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Washing Instructions for Synthetic Wigs

  • 1 min read
  • Add a few dashes of wig shampoo into a basin of lukewarm water, shake the wig gently and soak it in the bath. After 10-15mins rinse thoroughly. Do not rub or wing.
  • Add a few dashes of wig balm into the water, soak for 10-15mins (rinse afterwards), place the wig on a wig stand and let it dry naturally.
  • Never brush or comb your wigs while damp or wet.
  • Avoid friction and heat (hair dryer, straighteners, oven, fireplace, sunbed etc.).
  • To complete the wig care, use wig conditioner to protect, moisture and provide shine. Spray the conditioner onto the length and tips of the dry hair.

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